Wills and Beyond

Friendly, reliable service

We specialise in the preparation of online Wills and Powers of Attorney.
We understand your requirements and the importance of family and you can rely on us to safeguard your needs

Wills and Beyond are based in Swansea but we also operate throughout the UK.

Discretion you can trust

We understand the sometimes sensitive nature of planning ahead and you can count on us to keep your information completely confidential.

Planning for the future

Don't leave it until its too late.  Chat to us without obligation and make sure your needs and the needs of your family are catered for

Why make a Will?

The only way to make sure the person you want to deal with your affairs does so, and that the people you want to benefit from your Will do so, is to make a Will.

If someone dies without leaving a valid Will then their estate is distributed according to what are known as the Rules of Intestacy.

The rules provide that if someone who dies without leaving a valid Will is married, or in a civil partnership, and has no children, the spouse or partner will inherit the full estate.

Where there are children the surviving spouse or civil partner will inherit all the personal property of the person who has died, plus the first £250,000 of the estate and also 50% of the remainder of the estate.

 Any estate over and above that is held for the children of the deceased person.

 The Rules of Intestacy do not apply to couples who live together and are not married.

This emphasises the importance of making a Will to ensure that your wishes are carried out.

 None of us know what the future holds. Contact us today and talk to us without obligation.

Get in Touch with our Will Writing Service

We offer a free consultation over the telephone with no obligation. If you are happy to instruct us we will then draft your Will for you and once you are happy with the final draft we will forward the original to you. 

Contact us in confidence, safe in the knowledge that one of our legal professionals will deal with your requirements putting your needs first.

If we are unable to take your initial call please either leave a message or send us an email and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

We are pride ourselves on the personal service we provide and the positive difference we are able to make for our clients.

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